Gold and Black Fountain Pen “Tree of Life”


The pen is a tribute to the renowned Austrian painter and his artwork Tree of Life, an ancient symbol as old as humanity, present in all civilizations with meanings related to birth, regeneration, and vital energy. We would like to dedicate the pen to the common humanitarian principles that unite all the peoples of the world – solidity, wisdom, and beauty represented by the tree. We would like to dedicate the pen to the common humanitarian principles that unite all the peoples of the world – solidity, wisdom, and beauty represented by the tree.

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We can engrave the pen for you with a name, date, initials or a very short phrase. Please enter names exactly as you want them to be engraved, in capital or small letters. Complex symbols may require more time and additional costs. Thank you!

You need to enter less than 60 characters. max 60 chars
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Product price: 296,00 
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